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Are you ready to make a change?

Discover the possibilities for your career / life purpose and unlock the key to a happier and more fulfilling life.

Is this you?

Do you dread walking into work each day, trapped in cycle of rinse and repeat? Maybe you've felt stuck in an unsatisfying career for a while now.

Has your life changed recently from family demands and your current job just can't accommodate them?

Are you feeling a bit bored?  Your position was once fulfilling, but now it feels mundane and unexciting - yearning for something more.

Have you been toying with the idea of retirement?  You are excited to quit the job, but secretly terrified about how you will fill your time and even define your identity without your work?

I can help...

It is time to attend the Dream Life Workshop and explore your possible futures! 

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What is the Dream Life Workshop?

It is an entire day for you to focus on you:  Your hopes, your dreams, your ideas.



Explore three distinct life plans:

1) Your current path.

2) An alternative course if the first path becomes unfeasible.

3) Your true passion, free from the constraints of money and status.



Over the course of the five-year plan, you will examine each facet of your life; allocation of your time, financial resources, and energy. You will envision your ideal vacation destinations, strategize avenues of income generation, curate meaningful relationships, and deliberate the art of balancing your social interactions.


next steps

The last phase involves assessing your three different life aspects and reflecting on what is effective and what presents challenges. By adopting this perspective, you can then formulate three subsequent actions to propel yourself forward in one or more of your intended life paths.

Hi!   I am Amy Malak

As a career counselor and life coach, I have assisted hundreds of clients in successfully navigating career transitions, unlocking their full potential, and finding a fulfilling career that aligns with their lifestyle and personal choices.


The Dream Life Workshop is one tool I use in my three pillar transformational process.  I have seen numerous clients improve their lives dramatically with this one workshop experience.


Here's what Past participants said...

"This activity gave me the freedom to explore alternatives and evaluate my priorities.  It drastically changed the course of my life!"
“This workshop challenged me to assess my life and my goals through both a creative and critical lens.”
“I now have a clearer sense of what direction I want my life to head in.”
 "After the workshop, I realized that there are numerous goals waiting accomplish-
ment, all of which must align with my core values.”
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