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My usual pace during December is frantic at best. By January I am exhausted and vow to do things differently. Yet each year the days of December slip by and I forget to take time to slow down and let Advent soak into my soul. This year, my pace is already slower because of the pandemic. I want to be intentional this December and have been looking for tools to slow me down to reflect. I want to share with you two resources I will be using starting today.

The first can be found on Instagram @theadventseason. This daily devotional by two pastor friends of mine @christineyisuh and @chase784 will be exploring the names of Jesus over the next 25 days. It is a combination of visual and spoken word reflections that bring the contemplation I am seeking.

If podcasts are more your thing, I highly recommend “Strengthening the Soul of Your Leadership” by Ruth Haley Barton. Her weekly advent podcasts are wonderful spiritual practices. For these, choose a quiet place in your home, light a candle and open your heart to receive.

I would love to hear about your favorite Advent resources!

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